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5 Healthiest Proteins to Include in a Diet Plan

March 4, 2018
5 Healthiest Proteins to Include in a Diet Plan - Lark Health

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Proteinis a focus for many people who are trying to lose weight and lower diabetes risk. That certainly makes sense, since protein helps delay hunger andstabilizes blood sugar. However, the protein story is not as simple as "more is better," and not all protein sources are the same.

How much protein should you have, and which foods should you choose for getting your protein? Here are 5 healthy protein ideas that you can incorporate into your diet plan.

Salmon (19 Grams Per 3-Ounce Serving)

Salmon with Portobello Citrus Salsa

Why It's Healthy

Salmon may have more calories than some other proteins, but those calories are packed with nutrients.

Along with 19 grams of protein (38% of the daily value), a 3-ounce serving of cooked wild Atlantic salmon has 2198 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA. Thesefatsmay lower your risk of heart disease, support brain health, and fight inflammation. 55 Heart-healthy omega-3 fats Vitamin D and potassium A low-mercury seafood choice.

Did You Know?

The Dietary Guidelines recommend eating at least 8 ounces of seafood a week, but fewer than one in five Americans do.

How To Include It

Fresh salmon steaks or fillets can be grilled or baked without adding fat, since they already have natural oils. You can easily add teriyaki sauce, lemon juice and pepper, or any light marinade. Canned salmon is another healthy option that you can use instead of tuna.


你可以从其他脂肪酸DHA和EPA鱼,往下h as tuna, mackerel, herring, and anchovies. If you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, or you do not like seafood, you can get omega-3 fats from a few plant-based sources, such as flaxseed and walnuts. Just be aware that the omega-3 fats from plant-based foods are not DHA and EPA, and your body can only make a limited amount of EPA and DHA. So, you might want to consider a DPA/EPA supplement if you do not eat seafood.

Beans (7 To 10 Grams Per 1/2 Cup, Cooked)

Black Bean Soup

How To Include It

Your imagination is your limit when it comes to beans. Try and opt for:

  • Navy bean soup
  • Garbanzo beans or kidney beans in salads
  • Hummus made with garbanzo, pureed cannellini or white beans
  • Pinto or black beans in burritos
  • Bean burgers
  • Snack on roasted beans
  • Low-sodium canned beans or dried beans soaked overnight and cook yourself.


Other legumes have similar nutritional profiles as beans, so feel free to try lentils and dried peas such as split peas and yellow peas. Soy products, such as tofu and edamame, are also great choices.

Yogurt (8 TO 12 Grams Per Cup, Or More For Greek Yogurt)

Plain yogurt
  • Probiotics
  • Bone-building calcium
  • Low-calorie, filling option
  • Low-lactose dairy option

How To Include It

Don't get stuck in a yogurt rut! You can have it alone, sweet, or savory at breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack time. Trywhole graincereal, fruit, and/or nuts mixed into yogurt, or use it as a dip with dill or other herbs for cucumbers, bell peppers, and other vegetables. You can also cook with yogurt, using it as a base for a sauce for roasted chicken, fish, or vegetables. Choose plain non-fat regular or Greek yogurt, and check the ingredients list of flavored yogurts to avoidadded sugarssuch as sugar, honey, and corn syrup.


Dairy alternatives such as soy yogurt can provide probiotics; just be sure to check for live and active cultures on the label. Almond and coconut yogurt can also have probiotics, but they may be lower in protein.

Peanuts (6 Grams Per 1-Ounce Serving)

Peanut Butter and Apple Sandwich
  • Fiber and phytosterols
  • Linked to lower weight

How To Include It

Use chopped peanuts in Asian inspired recipes such as chicken and peanut lettuce wraps or Szechuan chicken or tofu with peanuts, or sprinkle chopped peanuts on salads, on fruit, or into cereal. Peanut butter is higher in protein, although lower in fiber, and it is a good companion for veggies, apples, oatmeal, and bananas. If you opt for peanut butter, go for an all-natural choice to avoid artery-clogging hydrogenated oils and trans fats.


If you are on a paleo diet or do not like peanuts, almonds are a great option. They are similar in fat, protein, and fiber content. Other nuts, such as pistachios, walnuts, macadamias, and cashews are also healthy; they may have slightly different amounts of protein and fat than peanuts and almonds.

Egg Whites (7 Grams Per 2 Egg Whites)

Egg whites, whole-wheat toast, avocado

Why It's Healthy

Egg whites are not the protein source with the widest range of nutrients, but we chose them because of theirweight loss potential.

You get 7 grams of protein (14% of the daily value) in 2 whites. Each large white has only 17 calories, and whites are fat-free and carb-free. Basically, they are pure protein, so you can add them into whatever meal or snack you are having whenever you need a protein boost to satisfy hunger and keep blood sugar in check. Chicken and turkey breast are also great choices, but egg whites won out because of their vegetarian nature and smaller impact on the environment.

  • Low-calorie protein source
  • Great weight loss choice
  • Versatile for any meal or snack

How To Include It

  • Scrambled egg whites or egg white omelets with any combo of veggies, cheese, and lean protein, and serve them on a plate or in a whole-grain wrap or English muffin.
  • Hard-boiled egg whites as a snack, mixed into green salads, or in egg salad made with non-fat yogurt instead of mayo.

If you do not like separating eggs or you feel bad throwing away so many yolks, opt for liquid egg substitute instead.


Choose your egg alternative based on what you need it for. Ideas to try:

  • Tofu instead of eggs in a breakfast scramble
  • Add a vegetarian sausage patty to your breakfast wrap
  • Mix beans or chicken instead of a hard-boiled egg into your salad
  • For a portable snack, a string cheese stick instead of a hard-boiled egg

If you love the yolks, rest assured that the occasional yolk will do you no harm, so feel free to use the entire egg.

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